Taking care of your child’s smile

As soon as your baby’s teeth break through the gums, they need attention and care.

In fact, the American Dental Association recommends that you bring your baby to the dentist soon after the first tooth comes in and no later than the child’s first birthday.

This visit gives your dentist a chance to check for tooth decay and discuss other conditions or habits, such as thumb sucking, that may affect the teeth. 

The dentist also can show you how to clean your baby’s teeth properly.

Taking care of your child’s smile

source :



Helping a drunk friend

Helping a drunk friend can be difficult and potentially dangerous. 

Often, the person maybe aggressive and uncooperative. 
While it is important to try to keep your friend safe, the first priority must always be your personal safety.

 Never be afraid to pass the problem overto someone else, particularly if they become violent.
 If in doubt, always call 000.


Here are some simple things you can do to look after a drunk friend who is feeling unwell:

Stay with them and never leave them alone
Monitor them 
Reassure them
Keep them comfortable 
Keep them upright 
Keep them hydrated If in doubt, call for help







Business travel is an important part of a growing, global economy, but can be stressful and risky for both organizations and travelers. 

The potential for peril is immense, from becoming seriously ill far from home, to being stranded following a natural disaster. 

The dangers only increase when travelers are unaware and unprepared.

The more proactive you are in planning a safe and secure business trip, the more successful it will be 




based in scientific research : heal well cancer

A joint project of the American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR), the LIVESTRONG Foundation, and Meals to Heal™. 

This guide provides general information regarding nutrition and cancer, addresses common questions people have about diet, nutrition, and physical activity during and after cancer treatment, and offers suggestions for common cancer or cancer treatment-related symptom management. Nutrition problems that may come with cancer and cancer treatment are also covered, including suggestions to help manage possible eating-related difficulties. The information is evidence-based. This means that it is based in scientific research.
Diet and the Development of Cancer 
Diet and Nutrition during Cancer Treatment 
Dietary Supplements 
Physical Activity for People with Cancer 
Cancer Survivor ship and Beyond 
Answers to Common Questions about Diet, Nutrition, and Cancer



Motivating learning : Why do we learn ?

Motivating learning : Why do we learn ?

A key aspect of individual difference in learning is that some students

•are not interested in learning

•don't feel challenged to learn

•are not motivated to learn.This unit examines the following issues :

• Conditions favourable to learning : When do we learn ?

 • Curiosity and its place in formal education

• An interest in learning • We learn when we are challenged

• Motives for learning.

Motivating learning : Why do we learn ? John Munro
